Animal Medical Clinic

2701 Waldo Palmer Lane
Tallahassee, FL 32308


Appointments are available Monday through Friday

To schedule an appointment call us at (850) 878-8288 or submit an online appointment request.

We can usually accommodate you with same day or next day appointments.  Every effort will be made to schedule a time that is convenient for you.

Drop off Service:

For your convenience, "drop-off" appointments are also available. A drop off means you can bring your pet at the time that works best for you and leave him/her with us for a couple of hours or the entire working day. Usually we will ask you to drop off sometime in the morning so our doctors can examine the patient in between appointments or at the time purposely reserved for admitted patients. You may drop off your pet as early as 7:30 am.  If you require a specific pickup time please let us know at drop off so that every effort may be made to meet your needs.  A quote for services will gladly be provided at drop off or you may be called with a quote after the doctors have had an opportunity to evaluate your pet and have determined the best diagnostic and therapeutic plan.  Upon pickup the doctor or a certified technician will discuss our findings and provide a treatment plan for your pet.  If possible please call ahead and an appropriate pickup time will be provided to minimize your wait time and allow us to provide a detailed consultation as well as answer all of your questions.

If your pet is being presented for a procedure requiring sedation or anesthesia it will be necessary that he/she have an empty stomach.  We ask that you withhold food after 10:00 pm the night before and take up water first thing on the morning of the procedure. 

Patient Arrival Policy:

For your protection, and that of others, all dogs must be on a leash and properly controlled while in the waiting area or exam rooms. All cats must be presented in an appropriate cat carrier or on a leash

Payment Policy:
We require full payment at the time that services are rendered. For your convenience, we accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, CareCredit, cash and personal checks.


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